Photos 攝影

Images of the places we've been and people we've met

Art 藝廊

Landscapes, people, and fantasy art in soft pastel, graphite, alkyd and colored pencil

Music 音樂

Original compositions and recordings, with a few cover tunes for the fun of it

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Original stories, essays and poetry

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Indian Rock 印第安石

Indian Rock in Yosemite National Park, USA
We often amaze at how few people we see on our hikes, even in a popular park like Yosemite.  I think we encountered no more than 5 people on this particular hike. It was awesome having the whole place to ourselves.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

台灣常見的角落 Little Corner in Taiwan

Taiwanese people really love their plants. On the narrow streets, there are bazillions of motorcycles park on both sides. People still manage to fill in any remaining space with plants. I notice I smile a lot when I see the plants. Perhaps this is why Taiwanese plant like crazy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Somebody Hitched a Ride??

Click on the picture to see it full size. Apparently, our friend Theresa had a passenger on a recent climb in Yosemite. (I guess riding on her left shoulder was easier than climbing all that vertical yourself, eh, Tom?)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mysterious Corner 神秘的角落

(Click picture to enlarge 請點圖片放大)
Off the beaten path whiling finding our way to a waterfall, we found this stone "creature". Imagination took off!  My story has tiny fairies living inside it. What's yours?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

奉茶 Water Offering

It was a very hot and humid day when we hiked the so-called "Tough Guy Peak". One cannot be too picky about weather in the summer here in Taiwan. It was such a welcoming sight when we saw the poster and the big water container below it.  There're two other containers nearby. The poster says "Tea Offering".  Here "Tea" means water.  Volunteers, such as individuals, hiking clubs, students, co-workers, organized by the "Guan Yin Shan Water Carrying Team" organization, hike the tough trail providing 10 liters of filtered water for the hikers every day. What a tremendous service! What a blessing to all!

走在硬漢嶺的石階上,從頭頂流下來的汗彷彿像淋浴一般。台灣的夏天是天天熱。想出門接觸大自然的話就不能挑剔。我們一階一階的往上走,心中的“硬漢"卻一點一點的萎縮。管他硬不硬漢,7-11 在那裡? 好不容易走到快接近山頂時很驚喜地看到裝水的大筒子和這個“奉茶”的海報。好感動哦!多謝那些辛苦抗水上山的大哥,大姐們。

Monday, September 17, 2012

Iguazu Falls 伊瓜蘇瀑布

(Please click picture to enlarge. 按圖片可放大。)
This was taken from the Brazil side. It is indeed Big Water. Our guide was a graduate student studying environmental laws. We had an interesting exchange on "Child Labor". I remember thinking how much we were alike in the sense that we all wanted better things for the world; we also held very different views in the definition of Child and Child Labor. We were all curious in learning others' viewpoint. It's not right or wrong, better or worse, it's simply different. I remember thinking "I've learned so much!" It was a memorable experience.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Room With A View 那拉提,新疆

This picture was taken from the hotel window. What a stroke of luck that the clouds put on a good show for us just when we walked into the room! Like many beautiful places in China, we saw the natural beauty and native culture disappearing fast as tourism blossoming. How can we learn to "play well"?